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Jul 2017
I left my home one stormy night,
My footsteps went dry as i walked astray,
I met with the struggle,
And was kind to introduce me to hunger and thirst,
They grew fond of me as days went by,
And taller i grew with empty stomach,
Tempting as they leaded me to the desert,
While i crossed some of my fingers,
I pointed and pass the blame to the witches,
Forgetting all the promises of the green pastures,
I watched all these happen as i was the famous audience,
Cheering for what the eyes struggle to hear,
I emerged my sight in that puddle of darkness,
Smoking the finest drug but yet my life were pile of ashes,
With no direction they fumed our thoughts like that of the street,
And little by little hunger was unable to contain his excitement,
Thirst himself drank my smile,
Piece by piece they devoured,
And gone was i,
And was too late to see the path of righteouseness.
June 28 at 12:23am
Gavin Sebake
Written by
Gavin Sebake  20/M/South Africa
(20/M/South Africa)   
   Jeffrey and Nico Julleza
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