Life is a wonderful blessing. It is a mystery that baffles even the smartest of us humans in the world. Why are we here? What is our purpose? How did this all happen? Some look to science to see what they feel is proof. Others look to religion to find what they feel is Faith. Both find something, but neither feel it is enough. The scientist searches for more evidence. The religious man searches for more pages to understand. Both end the same, needing more. When they're answer comes will they be happy or will they be disappointed. The scientist will realize there isn't enough answers to his disposal. Not enough explanation to rest his head. All he has is hypothesis and theory. The religious man will realize that the bible seems very perplexing. Very contradicting. When he feels a higher power is speaking to him it could either be God or Lucifer but he must have enough strength to see the difference. Lucifer can speak in many ways and all the time, but God only speaks to you in one way and will only show it in rarity. Both directions, science and religion, seem confusing on their own. Different but the same. All people believe they're different, but why can't they be the same. Science may drift away from God and lead to many dead ends. Why can't God be the answer? If Jesus wasn't real then why did we start counting from year 1? Religion tells you how to live a good life but not how life literally came to be. It speaks with many metaphors and intricate meanings. Why can't science be the literal meaning for how God created us? In life we have choices and usually religion and science is one of them. Are we correct to think they are different, or foolish for not thinking they are one in the same? Our bodies are biologically convenient to our survival. Our minds however can perceive things that science can't understand or can't see. I believe that God exist and speaks to you through key points in your life. I also believe that science is not only proof to our existence, but proof of the Lord himself. Whether I'm a fool to believe something I can't see, or a sinner for denying the being who gave me life, I understand. Science makes me look like my parents. God helps me know why I have them specifically. Science helps me know the answers the bible can't explain. God helps me know that there is a reason for everything leading to this very moment. When these cards reveal themselves to you, will you play them separately or together?
An argument with one's own self towards two very different yet similar subjects. Struggling to find what they truly believe until they have their own idea.