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Jun 2017
i´ve been walking on rocky Ground
trying to lift heavy Stones,
rolling them uphill, pulling them down
shaking, stumbling, shoving

it took me a while to realize one thing
some Stones never move
some Rocks never roll
never turning, tipping, trembling

so this Ground will stay rocky
a few Stones will move
some mark my Way
but i´ll be walking, wandering, winning
We all walk on our individual, rocky Path. We all have Obstacles on those Paths and i like to picture them as Stones. Some of them, we can lift. Some of them, we can't. And it´s our choice to rather lose our Strength on them or just walk around them. Do not put your Efforts into things you can't change. Focus on your Path, focus on your Aim. You are not in a hurry. Time is relative. Our Visions are not
Written by
ScorpioPoems  19/F/Germany
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