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Jun 2017
The Dragon's Apprentice

When I left off in my last segment I mentioned Cricket. That's NOT her name, but none of the people in my tales of woe shall have their true names revealed (save family members).

Cricket was a flibberty-gibbet. The modern definition (and the archaic) are applicable. She was flighty. And an irresponsible gossip. But more than that, the girl was evil. A "fly by the gibbet" feasting on the rotting corpses of the convicts slain there. I don't believe she *meant
to be evil. She was (and is) an irresponsible person. She's a gypsy who lives life by the seat of her pants. She was a crack ******* addict. She was one of my suppliers later on in my life. But more on that later. Right now I'm going to tell you the dynamic of our relationship.

Her father and mother (and sister) targeted her sexually. She was a "problem child". So she moved in with us. She was 2 years younger than I. I was 13 when she moved in. We got along fine... at first. But I was an overweight teen. Not terribly attractive. After I lost the weight, due to illness, she became extremely jealous. We'd have terrible rows, some even physical fights. She'd "borrow" my clothing, and appropriate it. When I'd demand it back, she'd "somehow" stain it, or put holes in it. She'd tell her friends (especially male friends) awful things about me. But her worst attribute was her penchant for drugs. She was my supplier even back then. My mom has yet to forgive her for this, and her wayward ****** ways, which influenced me as well.

I'll never forget one incident. She brought home a couple of good lookin guys, a 1/2 ounce of very potent marijuana, and a brownie mix. Yup. She talked me into letting her make Alice B Tokeless brownies in my parent's home! I was afraid of the repercussions if my parents found out (though, quite honestly, the ethics of doing such a thing eluded me). But Cricket and her friends talked me into it. So the brownies were made. The whole house was permeated with the smell of baking chocolate & ***!

We each ate
one brownie, and were so high we got lost on a hike around the neighborhood! I lived on an old ranch in the desert. The Tucson Mountain foothills. Anyway, we were good n ******! Well. We returned to find my brother and his little friend had returned from hiking, also... and had eaten half the pan!

This may, on the face of it, seem humorous. But it was not! Those two little boys were high for three days! They were obliterated!

Now, granted, i didn't know my brother & his friend were home. I thought they'd gone to his friend's house. But, NO! They'd just gone on a hike and were nowhere in evidence when the brownies were made. But I got in SO much trouble! Cricket did, too, but because SHE was YOUNGER the brunt of the punishment was on me.

And that pretty much sums up our whole relationship. I was the cat's-paw. A role I was to carry on well into my adult life.

There's more on Cricket in my next segment. But I want to introduce another character in my comedic tragedy of errors also. Another girl who I will term

(C) 6/17/2017
Sorry I haven't been around. Had a friend come in from out of town. I'll be reading a bit tonight, and will concentrate on doing the same tomorrow. But I HAD to write this. I want to conclude chapter 1 so my friend can read it. Thanks for understanding!
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