I reckon I'll keep my golden fiddle, How blind are you not to know this is love? A star so confusing than a riddle, That draws men in thoughts vast as skies above; Yet softly comes as waters of a brook, To confine one in a deep sea of thoughts, Like a lone shepherd doth search a stray crook. Though like a scudding cloud you'll think of naught, For if she'd be a gem, she's but a pearl, Thrice more precious than gold is to a dwarf; Yet if a flower seldom doth unfurl, Despite for her sake, poetry, men ****.
**Ye men so blind to unfurl my riddle, "Love was the key to my golden fiddle."
Dedicated to whoever has been dwelling under silhouettes of curiosity to know the answer to "Solve My Riddle Sonnet 004"...A poem I penned not so many moons ago.