I dived my head strongly to the pillow with a song in my head. There was a young woman who was so happy with her lover calling, leaving me like a stupid woman trying to hold my own desire to say hi to you.
It was strange. There is no "hi". There is no sign that you wanted me. There is no sign that you crave for me, thirsty for the sound of me breathing.
It was me who always reaching out to you. Everything changed. There is no words as sweet as candies flying through the air that trying to make me smile. There is no exciting voices that will makes me scream to the pillow. There is no names being called with a sweet voice.
I miss that. But, well, why would I tell you? Because every one word that you give in our conversation do not worth my pain. Because every less than a minute phone call do not worth my tears.
However, I always by your side. No matter what. In case if you think that I am tired of you.