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Lori Jones McCaffery
Jun 2017
Spinning in circles that have square corners
I'm the new Broadway sensation
The moon is wearing surprise pink gel
And the wind is rosining it's bow
The Marquee is lighted by roman candles
That change colors as you observe
My name is carved into pumpkins
Lit from inside by gold sparklers
The Phantom Toll Booth is housing Will Call
And the ushers are all wearing drag
The Animal Rights folks are picketing
The unkind treatment of frogs
The clearing of throats often hurts them
And we're all a long way from the pond
My costume is still at the cleaners
So I'm dressed as somebody else
The fourth wall is now made of plaster
And my double is lost in the wings
I look but I can't see the footlights
Through the fog machine's oily haze
The prompter's asleep in the Green Room
And the Concert Master is ******
The Conductor is wearing a trainman's hat
But the Midnight Special won't be stopping here
Like me, it's gone off the rails once again
And there's nobody home in the Roundhouse
The outside decided to come on back inside
But all the seats now are taken
I need to stop twirling - I'm dizzy
I overlooked taking a point
There's somebody up in the flies
I think I see sandbags beginning to swing
I can't hear the music; the air is too loud
And too many people are breathing
That isn't applause after all - it's thunder
And my key light has faded to three
My funniest line drew no laughter
And I've got to exit stage left
The curtain call was a barrel house polka
And no one presented me flowers
The stage door is painted an angry red
and it needs to be painted coal black
I'm back outside where I've always belonged
And no one is waiting to greet me
With autograph book and stub of a pen
Guess I might just as well walk on home
Written by
Lori Jones McCaffery
F/Laughlin, Nevada
(F/Laughlin, Nevada)
Autumn Rose
Lora Lee
20 others
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