I kissed myself on the forehead and told myself that I've had better days that everything used to be... ok...
I wish I could go back! I would change so many things, I would learn to control myself better... I would not listen to those who controlled me
all things considered it seems I've grown bitter and these words they haunt me all things considered it seems I've grown iller and my killer he taunts me
the writer inside, "negligible pride despite the crazy ride on a track that cut off "-me
I wish I could go back I would explain myself better I would not resort to street medication quackery I would read up on hereditary
I would brush my first set of teeth more I would learn to sleep I would prepare preemptively before a storm I would promise, I would not keep I would avoid ever taking the high road I would avoid the very notion of forlorn
I would stick to what I knew yet despite the way I grew I became what i had hoped achievement was my rue and now I am torn
I would lie. I would lie to everyone.
because they all did it to me and it hurt, but they couldn't see that no one cared not even me and herein lies insult to injury the ones that love you most are the ones who hurt severely
and so I kissed myself on the forehead and then I saw clearly.