Deep in Mangroves of Calusa Your eyes became arrows of the natives We made whirlpools with the wind Chasing sea cows for their breath.
Your thighs felt like my bounty The curve of your spine was ethereal In cut off jean shorts, wet from dripping paddles, Each drop teased in me a feast for carnal cravings.
Your memory wears a dress of palms, Resting beneath your delicate waist Your face looks like porcelain beneath My gifted crown of magnolia and jasmine
I can feel the rain that's filled with sunshine When you speak, I hear सौन्दर्यलहरी. Slowly, surely, your words and eyes Send vibrations like पार्वती*.
I surrendered to your storm I laid **** and prayed to be spared I could not contain your tremendous terror I could only surrender and offer my obsessive praise
There's an island in Calusa that rests beneath our stars Where your quiver remains full with the bluest of arrows I still can feel your words as Waves of Beauty I still can taste your skin of Praline and Coconut
My hunger for your thighs and spine of sweeping curves Did not die when your tropical storm had passed Or when your native arrows dissolved within my chest, I am starving, a castaway, without your love storm near.
* Soundarya Lahari-Waves of Beauty ** Parvati- Hindu goddess of many things. love, devotion, divine strength and power, and fertility.