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May 2017
sometimes i listen to old voicemails you left me
just to hear your laugh bubble and froth—a tonic
made from nectar and ambrosia.

i do not bother fighting the smile that tugs
insistently at my cheeks every time
my name finds your taste buds—
almost as if it were candy. you savor
the sweetness, leave me lingering
on your tongue.

you say you miss me and i hear an anthem
lifting these lyrics in tandem with the drum
of my heartbeat, palpitating, galloping
like a steed freed on pastures of green,
sprawled out as far as the eye can see.

all the same, these drugs
still **** in the end. i am hooked
on my heroine. i found what i love
and i want it to **** me. let me die high.
n. a drug that invigorates or strengthens
Pearson Bolt
Written by
Pearson Bolt  Ⓐ
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