You should brew a batch Of a tea that makes you bright And if it works the rest of us Can get some sleep at night Because whatever tea you drink As you plow your awful road Is making you a truly lethal kind Of hairy, ugly poisonous toad.
Tea for the Trumperman For him and his bund. Pay for it all with our Stolen pension fund. Make special batches For him and his cronies Look them up under the tab High treason and phonies.
Maybe drink the kind of tea That hippies still smoke It might make you think You are a bit less of a joke But it won't ever make you Less of a fool than you are; The highly lethal driver Of the Republican clown car.
Another kind of tea please For those who called this fool a ****, But this time make this batch Of primo quality hemlock. The best way is to tell all Those dim Trumpster finks This is precisely what der Fuhrer drinks.
Tea for the Trumperman For him and his bund. Pay for it all with our Stolen pension fund. Make special batches For him and his cronies Look them up under the tab High treason and phonies.