Exhale on three, While soaking in the summer breeze Finally, I find my mind and body at ease And within my chest my heart beats with cheer I feel fine, happy, content just right here
Everything swiftly falling into place Look at this smiling face reflecting back at me, I look into my eyes and I see The tension is no longer lurking in the creases, It's been released I've been freed from the stresses that had once stricken me, I'm calmer, like the bottom of the ocean, Steady and still.
Summer has a mysterious way of bringing me relief, Maybe it's all that vitamin D From the sun burns I get with my porcelain skin Summer reminds me of all the good times of being a kid It just makes me so happy to live
Summer's relief is the antidote to my grief, Taking my bouts of disbelief And disproving my agony with sprouting lush life surrounding me, Confounding me Filling my heart with awe For how much beauty is here On this gorgeous Earth, Spinning in air.