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May 2017
I know the girl he likes and
she knows me,
I think.
She can paint and draw and sing
but i'm really only me

She's got a nice home
a nice family
a lot of nice things
but most importantly
she has him

at her beck and call,
he goes
I want to warn him
let him know
she's not the niceness she posses

she says she loves him
he believes her
she says she wants to be with him
he thinks it's true
who am i to intervene

he wants to be with her
she doesn't want to be alone
there's a difference there
he wants to love her
she wants company

one day
I'll have the courage
to say the things I want him to know
but until then, he'll wait
and she'll take
Autumn Joy
Written by
Autumn Joy  18/F
   Anderson M
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