unreliable evidence or irrefutable truth? it's all proof and if that's what you need use it.
'One way or another', said Cain. 'I will **** my brother'
again and again,
the old God smote more in the olden days, there was lots more sinners back then, now the new God gives detention with the occasional smite which is quite alright, but only now and again.
Do you feel threatened by biblical scriptures? or the rapture of love on the run? would you like to sit tight against the barrel of night and be shot full of lead by its gun?
The eight forty two into Waterloo was running six minutes behind and at eight forty eight being six minutes late my eyes opened only to find the unreliable evidence of an irrefutable truth.
History makes its own decisions and we have little to say, your history tomorrow is not the history of yesterday.