If you look upon me, from above or from below, being swallowed at all ends by a gang of thirsty serpents, then understand that in my eye i am shaking in a trance and am only dancing with my fellow dancing snakes.
If you watch me from in the darkness of my closet which you've wandered into, not knowing that I have left its door cracked open for you for the curious candle light of my small stadium to peer into, and you unblinkingly catch me while you're caught in the act of pouring my body into a cup crafted from a piece of my frozen soul which I have extracted from the contents of the cup itself, drinking and gargling and giggling while joyfully singing of the sorrow that the light has while it has to watch, with nowhere else to go, then know that my mind is the light while I crumble under the comedy that is its glow.
We are a connection turned in on itself.
It leaves everything that it brings.
The fornicating black hole giving birth to itself is nothing but the brilliant uselessness of any song that god sings.
Let us sing.
I'll be the bed of wasps. You be the dreams of our *** and our dances nourished and guided by stings.