Just for awhile let us silence our minds and open our hearts
Just for awhile let us listen from within
not to gain knowledge not to formulate questions
rather to chance upon sacred bonds and profound wisdom
Just for awhile let us not seek information or answers
Let us not rouse the intellect but embrace the spirit
If thoughts cloud the brain let them pass
If replies tingle on the tongue let us breathe them away silently
Return to them later but here...
here in this precious time of sharing
Let us listen
let the words wash over us and seep into a still quiet pool
Let us listen.
Inspired by a circle I belong to that practices "deep listening"...in which each person, in turn, speaks their heart (about a topic chosen by the facilitator) while the others just listen...deep topics, no dialogue, no conversation, just listening to one another. It's so different from regular conversations, chit-chat and small talk which is what people usually experience.