Where do our souls within arise from whence does one's soul come Is our soul hatched from underneath Or born alive, yet hidden by the sun Or are we like our God, I am, and will forever always be
Always there And always was there Coming with the beginning And lasting until no end Love defined, love for all Gifted to all, actually for free
Anyway, Is there a carrier of souls Down from the heavens above Angels with wings perhaps or Unimaginable stuff flying from there Or perhaps there is some soul *** Where two can easily become three
Romancing all those new souls I want a little part in that adventure Some of us could soon enough see Our first date in heaven's long bliss Doing nothing, swinging and singing Praises of glory in all different ways
One more slim chance of a kiss Can one start to kinda imagine How great that will all eventually be That alone may give ugly ole me Ecstasy's sweet heavenly bliss