If there’s no you then I wouldn't have cut my hair at odd angles and shapes in anger because you ****** a disco chick whose breath, So full of smoke and ashes ,I tasted On your lips even still this morning
If there’s no you,
Maybe I’m still the disco chick Dancing till sunrise, kissing strangers Feeling myself be felt by someone else
hair down to just above my hot round ***
Which looks so good from dancing in Heels which you know is hard to do
If there’s no you,
There’s me. Still lonely perhaps
But then I’m the one that will have The smoke and ashes of the disco chick On my breath in the morning, she will Find me far more pleasing with my mouth below her waist then she could possibly Have found you to be
And tonight, they’ll be no you
They’ll just be me, me and her because I took her number from your phone Just before I packed my bag And left the hair behind