I can't remember what it feels like to breathe with my own lungs because I have spent too much time making sure all of the oxygen filled everyone else's. I can't recall the last time I really walked with my own two feet- perhaps it was the first time I ever did so when I didn't even know what feet were. I have spent so many hours on these feet - walking and running and then walking again - on paths and journeys to beautiful destinations that weren't my own. I don't know what it's like to see with my own two eyes. I have eyes that see, but not eyes that see for me. I have seen so clearly all of the beauty and all of the pain. I have seen love and I have seen hate - I have seen the problems and found solutions. And I have seen all of the questions and found every single answer, but not for me, never for me. I have found all of the solutions and all of the answers for all of the lives that I am not living, so have I really found anything at all?
Can I still breathe? Can I still walk? Can I still see?