i knew i loved you when you would be my protecting ***** guard when your face lit up over a dinosaur book when we took ugly photos in our blues when we slapped each other across the face when you weren't intimidated by my height when we were poooooosers when you made me laugh when i played with your hair when you looked at me when we hugged minutes before i left for home
i knew i loved you when we saw each other after a year when we would starfish under the sheets when you whispered along my neck when you took care of me on drunken nights when i nestled under your arm when you spent christmas with me when you wanted me for new years when you brought me food when i put that eye mask on your face when you left those toothpicks on my nightstand when you were there for me when nobody else was
i knew i couldn't love you when you told me you could never date me when i took you to the wedding when you never chose me