There are those times When I enjoy A murdered leg Or rib Or thigh. I Call it steak To make Myself Feel comfortable, The rumblings of the mind assuaged. Most of the time, Prime hungry, up to eating like a horse, I don’t eat cow (of course not horse), But making food Not rude or ******, I, non-fake and non-pretender Eat my beans, my reds and greens With appetite. No bright, slight, sprite I eat my peas, My eggs and cheese, My pasta à la Genovese Well pleased as punch, Needing no med. rare meat for lunch. But then those times… Oy, oy those times! Ashamed, Soul feeling maimed, Smell of sweet, soy, garlic-y meat I fall To ribs [deceitful] call.
Hypocrisy Confessed 4.25.2017 A Sense Of Ridiculous II; Arlene Corwin