Staring at my watery reflection I see what is behind me more clearly The ripples spread just like an infection My figure is the view that pays dearly
Not moving has become my one action I have sunk low in the mud where I kneel The water trees cause a blank reaction Since I've earned the title of being steel
There is a snort from the opposite bank It is a deer that wants to cross over I speak softly, she stomps, no fear of rank Her hooves are crushing the water clover
She and I are full of trepidation Would you be so kind to forgive my lisp I was not in charge of my creation The tension I feel makes my plea too crisp
Can you cross this water of reflections? And put us out of this staring limbo I know you place your dearest affections Not with humans for we are your old foe
A tiny splash creates more distortion The deer had made the decision to cross And it ignored my odd self absorption It disappeared and left me with my loss
Watery reflections of leaves and trees. I left this spot, I can't live on my knees.
This doesn't make much sense but I'm going with it.