unobstructed filter, distilling, but to capture only the angels share; on days when body and mind peak at truth beyond this fleshy physicality. leader of forgotten souls, mutter more clearly those timeless chants of base translations. circumnavigate the wanderer towards your young forgotten fields of sandy soils and fragrances of neglected worlds. at times there is wonder, whether this brittle form of organic life will dry from life's haboob. at times there is wonder, whether this insatiable sponge will find its endless rain. for now it seems that puddles must suffice. in desperate times, the mist of morning dew. maybe, it is possible, it is much sweeter this way. although cruel, it fuels hope for more of what it seeks.
this is about my brain being aware of my mind and body, and the territory they cannot cross, where the two remain disconnected but connected.