when i was little my dad used to call himself God, used to tell me airplanes were bumblebees, told me "bored" was just a plank of wood so that was impossible-- never mumble, use an inside voice but there's an outside voice, but i never learned to speak with conviction from him--
lately i've been calling my brothers the weeds back there are taking over, the spiders are everywhere, god, zak, my heart is breaking god, little sister I wish I was there, but I'm not girly.
people used to tell me to howl at the moon but i've always been afraid of my own voice always wanted to scream but replaced the urge with a smile
be blameless and innocent? Lord, I've been trying but you can't force what you ain't, tryin' doesn't seem to be enough for you either but i've come to find i don't know you as well as i thought, so bear with me while I am, while I am tryin'