I thought that if I'd go in depths,
Extract out all my emotions,
Spill words and pain on a paper,
I'd feel my pain fade away,
I thought if I was alone,
If I was hurt and my soul, remorseful,
I could write a few words of love and abhor,
The ache would subside and fill up my hearts emptiness,
I thought that if you were away,
If i was inexpressible,
I could feel adrenaline rush in my brain,
To exterminate the distance that's keeping us away,
Lately, I thought a lot about us,
About him, as he too is away,
Then my family and her, also distant,
So I wrote down this poem to feel better, but still I feel dead from inside because I'm so faraway!
Being away from home and the people you love is an awful nightmare!