seasons change slowly so does life, you think it's an eyeblink but no the seeds have been in the ground germinating for a long time sometimes a long, long time and then thenew growth breaks through and reaches for sunlight, growth is change but then at the other end of the spectrum so is decay, the breaking down of structures the returning to the basic matter...all changes so ergo we are in a continuim of change are some larger than others. you would have to answer affirmatively but are large changes more important than the miniscule. That question requires more thought before giving an answer. Change is neccessary without it there is a standstill in the cycle and when still, we create no impact, we have little to no power to affect the circumstances around us....but even then when still, the circumstances around us effect change like wind and water upon the rockface it may be over many many years but change is effected and the immovable is reduced by the action of persistance... We cannot avoid we should try to reach for it as does the sapling in the forest that seeks the sun .....
prose poetry of sorts....and a little philosophy thrown in for free