I've been flying with the eagles I've been painting in the sky I've been eye to eye with angels I've been graced with memories... ....that no amount of money .... would ....ever hope to buy
I was born by pain of obligation I was born among the fettered planes I was born same time emerging nation ..... throwing off ties that bound .......same to me .....what it did deny
I raised myself through time and toil I raised myself through waves of anger I raised myself above the place I hated ......by sheer force and dreams of distant .... mountains that....I'd someday fly
l lived despite all those cruel intentions I lived to see the hope rise absent of color I lived to see the battle raging all around me ......passing on just after I was given freedom ......laid to rest by some who had chose to listen .....as I rambled on about my mountains ....I'd live to see ....before I die
I've been flying up so high with the Angels I've been blessed to walk among some as well I've been carried up here and buried where it'd be ......easier for me ........to reach up and touch the sky.