It all just started with a walk in the woods, A talk on the woods blossomed like fire, And they shalt not tire of their speeches, Because leeches like those will never alone.
The words tasted the moisture on lips a hidden kiss behind tall fern trees And the bees will buzz as they ought to do because the overdue sting is awaiting.
They sit on a log as the stream flows by, A deer looks up, pauses, then flies away on a blanket of leaves
I wandered here myself and shalt I perish I'd cherish the time my deer has given to me, For to house a sea of hearts in a foliage of leaves means less to thee and more to me.
I lay down my sword and pick up my pen, I put down the chains and lift up my spirit, I dance while the whole world crumbles, As it crumbles around me.
I tumble on along the currents of wind- passing me, a moment in an eternity, I still turn to me for advice through the looking glass, and passing me is a moment in an eternity.
There is a moment where I stop, the world slowly spins as I fall to the floor, I see a flower blooming in the garden, The woods that opened my eyes to the world beyond, Getting smaller Smaller
This is a collaborated piece between me and Kiri Anon.