I stand before the grey flowing river, listless hands clutched to my chest Tracing the pattern of my silent heart There are no reflections here
The wind mourns in loud sighs, whipping the gauze of my white dress around my ankles It yanks my hair, the willow cries its branches bare
I barely flinch at the sudden ice of his touch His arms tightly squeeze mine, his hands suffocating my heart A pressure so familiar now, I melt to him I am so tired now-
He is shaking me Lovely little one, Death whispers through my ears You have to see the world beyond your eyelashes
His fingers twitch and my heart electrifies My world convulsing with color I don't want to go I sob I want to stay with you But to no avail He walks away, never looking for me over his shoulder
And my body shudders for air
I watch my eyelashes flutter in my vision and remind myself How to breathe Yet it does not take away the fear
For what if I open my eyes and there is nothing else there? For what if there is no world anymore beyond the river, the willow and the boy I call death?
I have to try I decide A sharp sliver of light cuts through my vision And I remember