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Mar 2017
What if I uttered your true name
Would you shrivel and die like a god?
Or would life remain the same,
As you turn to the wall to sob

Before reproaching yourself with tears,
β€œWhat's wrong with me” the cry
To which I don't reply
So repeats the chorus of our years

What if we forgot our shame
Would you ascend to be with the gods?
Don't call them by their true name,
Or you'd be sure to find yourself lost

You'd return to me with a shriek
That’d make leaves wither on trees
And as you reproach me from your knees,
So we would repeat another week

Sitting by the sea, reassuring
Grey on gold. Rain spattering
Down. I am the only soul.
And I am the only soul.

What if we both forgot?
As we'd drink the Lethe deep
The past would matter not,
I would again sweep you from your feet

But as we wake the next day,
With heads fragile and sore
All things would be as before
With reproaching holding sway

What if we both called time?
Two Kingfishers flying free
Soaring further to the sublime,
Our paths divergently

A weight would halt our course
Unseen yet wholly real
We have to face our remorse
If we are ever again to feel

Sitting by the sea, happily
Golden blue, sun shimmering
On, me our child and you,
Remember, me our child and you.

What if we accept our fate
And treasure the memories we hold,
Perhaps it's not too late,
For you and I to grow old
Jamie Richardson
Written by
Jamie Richardson  Kent
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