Where are you in the creation of your own puzzle How many pieces have you found And do you like the picture that is appearing Or are you constantly rearranging Thinking it could never fit like this
I've been at it for a while Picking up pieces while losing others And I don't think the holes that appear Could ever be filled
So what meaning do I subscribe to that How do I add it all up to see the sum of my parts How do I make sense of a story When the only things constant Are change And that from start to finish The name it carries is one I call my own
A life made up of memories Collections of recollections Inhaled and expelled like breaths Passing to the ticking of clocks Through tunneled passages of time
Sometimes I wonder If they become ingrained as lines Forming adornments on the halls of history Curving and bending And if someone walks along them Recounting the tale of a universe My story a story among billions of others Just a chapter in the grand book of life
What would it be like To read it all in one go To see it all unfold Neatly in order, row by row And have the meaning laid out for you What then would you know