I walk into class. I am alone there... Because I like To get to places Early. I wait for Group to begin. People start Rolling in.
We all all say Hi and Hello How are you And you and You? All is Well we each Say out of Politeness: But really, None of Us are. That is why We attend Group.
Each of us Are damaged In some way, Or just have A void in our Lives. We each Have a diagnosis, Or two, or so.
So class begins Late every day Like clockwork, And then it Takes the entire Session for one Person to say A few things About themselves, And we have A few moments To make comments If the counselor Allows any Opinion but Her own be Expressed.
And then it's Break time And we all Smoke our Chosen Poison because It is scientifically Proven that most People with say, Schizophrenia Or Schizoaffective Disorder or Bipolar Disorder, (any type,) Are addicted to nicotine Because our nicotinic Receptors are out of Whack.
Then it's back to class, Which starts late again And another person Gets a moment to share Their uncertainty about Their lives. And I have To sit there with the Answer in my head, Because I am not Allowed to speak Anymore. I was Told one too many Times by the Class that I Make too Much sense To be a group Member, and Should teach The class.
The counselors Always hate That sort of Thing. They really Hate it when you Psychoanalyze Them. Group Is helpful, despite It's many short- Comings. Well, I guess I better Continue going, Because I don't Want to miss Out on Jack's Repeated *******' About how Jill Won't listen, Or how Humpty Can't lose weight Despite a balanced Diet. You know the Type... A Diet Coke In one hand, and a Snickers bar in the Other. We are all UnBaLaNcE d.