So i guess this is 4 Touching the stove and watching it burn your skin Realizing that you have to breathe Slipping and falling Feeling his hands on you His hands on you His hands on you Nightmares Doctor checks Hospital trips Therapy? Therapy
So I guess this is 13 Losing your friends Getting your period Crying over your First heartbreak Watching your parents separate Cutting your skin Starving your body Sleepless nights
So I guess this is 18 Watching your first love get married Finding out your second loves likes boys Leaving home Getting tattoos to cover scars First kiss First time having *** First time realizing it hurts when someone uses you Second time Spending days crying
So I guess this is 19 Seeing your body as a work of art Going to movies Eating dinner Going to concerts All by yourself And enjoying it Getting more tattoos For no reason other than I like them Sleeping through the night Starting to write again Standing up to your fears Speaking up Speaking your poetry in public So I guess this is 19 I'm so glad I made it