My life in its whole self is completely flipped completely different brand spanking new I prayed so hard for something I never thought would come I prayed so hard for a fresh start Completely flip turned life I was over the past I hated it It was filled with far too much grief Eating disorders, depression Anxiety, Insomnia, Broken Hearted, Scared, everything seemed to just come back and haunt me The one person I thought would be there forever Never really cared as much as I thought Never really gave as much as I would But then somehow Everything changed so quickly I lived somewhere else Found someone new and wonderful Found myself and owned it Began to love myself from the love I was shown From the people I managed to surround myself with I prayed so hard back then for something to come Someone to come I didn't know what would come of it But they were definitely answered And thank goodness they were.... Because now... Everything seems to be fitting in how it always should have... But I guess we're all meant to go on a little adventure called life, And experience life without them So now we can come together as one and share our stories with each other And appreciate them even more.