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Feb 2017
We may have crossed the same paths and walked on the same parks. We may have eaten on the same restaurants or probably have used the same coffee cups

There might even a moment that we’re on the same place or maybe some million worlds apart. And probably I have sat behind you on a bus, but we don’t even know each other yet

And maybe, at some point of our lives, you were so happily in love with your partner. While I am crying over a spilled milk and my messed up life. And you, living a life full of laughter

To my future love, I wanted to tell you so many things. But for now, let us bide one’s time

Let us make the most of this moment, make mistakes and learn from it. Let us love and get hurt so by the time we meet, we are mature enough to handle our relationship

My future love, I am on my way. I may be a bit late, but please be patient. I waited for you for like a lifetime, promise you, I’ll be there on the right time

Until then, please think of me and I’ll dream of you. And one day, the stars will align to spell out our names. Our hearts will beat in synchrony and finally we will realize we have known each other all along
Inspired from Lang Leavs’ A Postcard
Happy Valentines Day poet friends ❤
Written by
Isabelle  25/F/Philippines
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