We've been lost. Up and down. Laughing like maniacs and clowns. Broken and bent. Wounded and hurt. Used and abused. Beaten down to the bone. Choked by the neck and throat. Slaves to our suicidal thoughts. Obeying nothing but our sharpened razors and shining blades. We've been numb and paralyzed , no one around bothered to pause and realize. But we moved on as we clutched on our lucky charms.
Despite our same homes and walls. Same lives and paths. Same work and ghosts , we found a light shining in our cold worlds. Hope dangling from a thread. God's hand reaching out from the morning's blue skies patting our backs and offering some help. We found angels floating above with their harps and violins as we closed our tired eyes , they sang us songs to make us feel alright.
We found new worlds that exist inside of our chests. Dreams of ginger heads , cookies and bread. Dreams of gold and shimmering jewels. Dreams of love and wearing designer shoes. We let go of the things that hurt our souls and hearts. In the hallow corridors of our minds , we walked with confidence and pride. We promised that we'll keep going in this life with out a scream or a cry.
We promised ourselves to move on as we let out gentle breaths of relief instead of sobs and sighs. We promised to work ******* our lives. We promised ourselves that we'll survive no matter how high our waves will rise. No matter how rough our storms and winds will get. With a positive attitude we'll bloom and shine like the moon* ~