Here are the wherefores and whys Alternative facts are just lies Projected as strong alibis To misdirect the unwise The photos offer us the proof That alternative facts aren’t the truth From the mouth of the liar and chief It’s incredulous beyond belief
Admittedly she’s a real jewel Convincing to those she can fool But she’s being used like a tool And that is unusual and cruel The universe she’s living in Is ruled by an ocean of spin She does it because she can Can we have the church say amen
The press is truly amazed How she instantly coined the phrase Alternative facts now replays In interesting and varied ways Like no one wants to see his taxes When the opposite is where the facts is But I guess she’s had so much practice At the prestidigitation she waxes
She’s his spokesperson, as it were Her words rarely represent her Over time it becomes a blur Though that thought might not occur His taxes remain on a shelf So blame him and nobody else If he de-legitimizes himself Like Kramden, I’m talkin’ ‘bout Ralph