I buy a role. Cinema verite. But think much bigger and more grand in scale and style. Costs me seven dollars or eight. I'll be moving up from time to time in time. There are packs you can buy where all the joints are different colors. And I smoke them all or someone else does in moonlight, perhaps. Mostly I smoke one of three: American Spirit Blacks; Camel Turkish Royals; Marlboro 27s. That sorta sums me up. I'm in love with all the world, through the look of a ring of smoke; Or a wavy line rising disappearing to the sky. If I turn 28 years old I'll thank the Lord aloud. And kiss his hollowed ground. And change some things around. And make some lovely sounds. And shoot some lovely scenes. And star for who to see. For you there is a me. Yes you, every lady. And every sweet young supple girl, Who is ready for the world; I will be your man, And I'll show you all I can, And when you've seen enough, I'll lay you down for love, And we'll go deeper then the rest, We'll plant new foreign lands. And start humanity there. And we will watch it grow...
Worlds never been discovered. Our spaceship's under covers. But soon it will be built. And then we will lift off. Not knowing we are safe, But knowing we are great. And trusting all around; The people who got us off the ground. We'll sail and leave the Earth behind; And first stop will be the Moon. And that's all I can write about that right now. Wouldn't want to spoil a thing. Not you. Not even the ending of a movie. Like when I open up my pack of Turkish Royal cigarettes; Out on my back porch tonight under the stars; And I pull out the very last one; And I light it up I'm either saying cut or I'm saying action... Every pack of cigarettes a movie.