The warmth of fire light During cold starless nights Wraps me as once you did When we first romanced the stars Naming them for each other And for futures bright with hope...
The gray overcast and cold Brine in the wind upon a somber beach, Before and after the storm begins And the rain itself heavy on the sand Reminds me, even then, when It is a lonely day
How beautiful to be Delivered here, knowing touch To be made real By love By your existence, having been Having held a tiny moment
I see you
In the crest of the waves, In the embers that spark to kiss the air And the ashes of a once living Branch of a tree That I burned to stay alive From the cold decrepitude A melancholy like / on this rainy day In the watery places of memory and emotions I see how beauty blurs
Without you
I peer with one eye at paradise (spurned) When everything is beautiful Because of you, I am sure It is your love that makes it all My Shine. My world.