perched on the cusp of disaster looking down into oblivion but sit we here, safe and sound in our box of bulletproof glass
watching fireworks explode and planting landmines of despair in the land of the free and sometimes fair
spouting words into air of greatness and fear ignoring the lost and scared counting down the hours til we can count the money from over on the otherside of the world this long ago stopped being funny
now I can see some say stop throwing stones cause your houses is glass too and your place has lost it's happy day glo
and I say back...yes this is true we dropped the crystal ball and are picking up a thousand pieces and looking for some super glue
but for the moment lets get back to you perched there, on the edge of disaster looking down the throat of a beast ravenous, with the ethics of a goat wanting to create some mythical wall and some mythical moat
his maw cavernous his need and greed ravenous down here whilst playing at jigsaw we watch the polotical beast bloat and weΒ Β kneel and pray, that his speech is just rhetoric and this world don't fall into war ..... as he cries wolf speak words of the morally bankrupt and compassionate poor and his words of greatness grate and draw, tears of sadness from those cleaning up the gore