Today, I lied and left a room full of people I went and hid sitting on the cold metal stairs Halfway to the second floor because I knew no one would look there if they tried to find me It was so silent I felt my heart struggling to stop beating To match its surroundings The lack of sound stifled movement Slowed thought The ringing in my ears such beautiful music It dawned on me that I have done this before
I have hidden myself away from lively people and colorful noise sitting against cold ground, cold wall, anything as long as it was cold enough to bite my skin Retreating from life even before I labeled myself with depression I'm not making this up I want to cry though my voice is statuesque with the rest of me It is sweet relief, even if only for a second I believe I am not some twisted monster preying on false struggle for sympathy
I hear the voices of other entering the room I've run from I know I should go back But the silence, the silence I remind myself what they have taught me Sometimes you have to just do what is needed, because there is no other option If the others can walk back in with a laugh and a smile, so can I
It takes a long time for me to convince my legs to get up but I do it