Memories, how strange they are. One moment they are true, concrete. You feel as though you can grab it and relive it all again as it was the first time. As you are drifting inside of it, you change a look, a word, a carefully placed step. You changed it. The original now gone forever. That magical moment that sent the fires of fervor through your veins, the flames now snuffed. Instead of desire lurking from their eyes you instead see doubt. The memory carries on but now, now you wonder...did they truly mean what was being said? Their confessions of love and lust that were spouted from the lips of passion, the ones that could quench your thirst..was it real? Memories are meant to last a lifetime... So why then must our brains change it? Why must we then doubt our lovers? It is as though our minds cannot be grateful for the love that is present...