hypochondira and hyperactivity, misguiding nouns. vinum bonum et suave, bonis binum, pravis prave, ave mundana laetitia! łyski - whiskey - łysy... itching to slap a skinhead... so the question: what are the ad hoc parameters of cogito ergo sum? i so wish to be given an ad hoc clarity for certain maxims... in most instances they're bibles, obscurity riddles them a hymnal status, and that said: holy. i wan't to be given the ad hoc instruction manual for certain eurekas... i'm told that the already stated prefigures subjectivity... and that the subconscious isn't merely a bystanders' experience of puppetteering... insinuation sphere... just like i might add third party inquisitors demanding of me that: every dream has a hidden meaning behind it. so many have died trying to create the uncoscious contraceptive... this mental *******... this exploitative subconscious insinuation puppet motivation... the subconscious only exists to create the other's drone capitalisation of fragility... the synonym of the subconscious within groundwork of making choices, acknowledging ethic, is insinuation, spies and the alphabetical fixation on subversion, and all other subs- congregate. and it really does sound like nonsense once the enemy's tongue is waggling... some even called it the omnivore safehaven... when in fact so much was prioritised for dietary requirements... that became bouldered anorexic grey-areas; synchronised skeleton army tugging the chimeras of crimea, shortened to the word: Krym. knowing this tongue, i should be apt at forging any and all ethnic linkage with it being expressed: i should be gagging for a forthnight spent in las vegas! but there's me, dreaming of a tartar steak.