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Jan 2017
He thinks she's pretty.
He thinks she's attractive.
He thinks she's beautiful.
He thinks highly of her.
He loves the outline of her perfect body.
He loves the way she laughs and the whites of her smile.
She's the girl he would **** to be with.
She's the girl he's not afraid to be seen in public with.
And me?
Well, I'm just me.
He doesn't think twice.
I'm the girl who's ugly.
I'm the girl with the crooked smile and the slightly tinted teeth.
I'm the girl he hopes to never see again.
He doesn't see the beauty in me.
He sees the girl with a obnoxious laugh.
A girl who's really fat.
I'm not worthwhile.
Tessa Marie
Written by
Tessa Marie  Wonderland
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