Aaron loves Anna I dunno.. Maybe I feel like I can't compare to her and I don't even know her but he talks so highly of her like... I dunno..
Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead Like he should just go back to her since they were so good together... It's not even about how I feel like i just think he'd be happier.. without me Yet again I dunno.. I don't feel secure in relationships with others like.. I'm too messed up There's always someone better I can never be #1 And I get it ya know like I understand like.. I'll always be alone.. NOT THAT I DONT LIKE BEING ALONE I'm used to it now I dunno.. Way to go Anna you won and i lose. as usual I want to cry There's like a pain in my heart to know I'll never be 'her'... I'll probably just be another girl.. another 8 months of both our lives wasted.. And it hurts I dunno.. It seems like he doesn't notice when I'm hurting.. maybe I'm just that good at hiding it? I dunno Maybe I'm thinking too much Maybe he's actually over her.. but I can't convince myself that it's true.. I feel like he'll always love her...