two thousand sixteen three hundred and sixty six days fifty two weeks twelve months five syllables one year.
this year was hard, i'm not going to lie. things were fantastic, things were bad. i did too many amazing things to count on two hands - i met my favorite actors, i saw my favorite bands, i went to my favorite places on earth, i spent time with my loved ones.
but those five syllables took a lot out of me - my heart was broken, my world was shaken, i fell head over heels, depression came like a fog- thick and heavy, i lost sight of the sun.
but tonight changes that. i can end this chapter, i get a clean page so i can continue my story - a story i never thought i would be able to tell.
two thousand seventeen three hundred and sixty five days fifty two weeks twelve months six syllables one new year
i am determined to see 2017 through to the end, i just have to have hope