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Dec 2016
King of the house hosts a royal crowd, a ring surrounds his post, all loyal to the crown bounds a herd of proud mammals from all around the world.

Chameleons in the jungle locked changing colors hide
As the lions on the rubbled rocks hanging out and sigh
A passing fly mumbles talk both meat & leaf eaters sufferin this life
Feeling the struggle at the top parrot says free your mind with words it's worth it share life with those at rock bottom and those in cloud nine.

As chirps of birds protesting the parrots' wise lines
A chameleon disappointed us all wasting all our time
Heard from the rest of the herd he tried to join us then sighed,
That white water rapids entered the river to the red sea after one year of rivers clean.

Whenever we leave and life ends:
We never forget family and friends.
Cam Stoker
Written by
Cam Stoker  United States
(United States)   
   Sparrow, Mishael Ward, Azaria and Corvus
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