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Dec 2016
We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
What happens when
The mask we are wearing
Breaks into a million pieces
Leaving us open and vulnerable,
Scared and helpless,
Alone and powerless?

We used to have the light in our eyes.
Used to believe in happy endings.
In dreams.
What happened
To us?
Where’s our innocence?
Where’s our humanity?
Where is our soul?

We live in a world of
Pretending and faking.
A world where the worst enemy
Is the person looking back in the mirror.
The one you call yourself.

In this world no one really knows
Who they are.
“Who am I?”
“Why am I?”
“What am I?”

Dreams abandoned.
Tears shed.
Hearts broken.
Yet we still have the nerve
To believe in a better ending
Than the picture we’ve painted.

We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
It's about humanity. I hope it makes you think.
Written by
muteD  22/F/lost
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