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Dec 2016
Limitless mind with a limited body.
For everyone with a brain thinking is a hobby
I find myself lost in though in a hotel lobby.
My imagination forming nearly perfect artistry for me to see
But could never draw it out cause I'm not good with my hands.
I see myself flying in the sky without a plane.
But I can't do that either so I'm stuck here on land.
I see myself happy and having a life of excitement,
But I'm here loving normally because things don't go as planned.
Why is it that we can think of anything.
But we can barely do anything.
They tell me I could do whatever I put my mind to.
But I can't do even a fraction of what my mind wants to do.
I guess I'll have to face facts and have affairs with fiction.
Because I see no way getting past these restrictions.
Follow me on instagram to see the pictures and fonts with the poems @Alphonsos.log
Alphonso Forbes
Written by
Alphonso Forbes
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