Thank You--based on a spoken word poem by the magnificent Sarah Kay
I get lost all the time. I always feel I should be somewhere else. It is the curse of being a poet And the grace of being one.
When I am inside writing I feel I should be outside living. When I am outside living. I feel I should be inside writing about all the beautiful things I see.
When I write my emotional love poems. I feel I should be outside loving someone for real. When I am out loving someone I feel I should be inside writing a love poem about it. I always feel I am lost in between.
But I found some peace and some tranquility I learned to whisper the words Thank You. On the first breath of morning. And of the last waking moment of night.
So I know for sure that when It is my last moment on earth. I would say to my maker how grateful and privileged I have been. To have been given the grace of a poet's eyes And the emotional oceans of a poet's heart.